When you first get your EBW1150, you will need to read this page to learn how to get your eBook reader set up
When you purchase ebooks from either eBookwise or the multi-format books from Fictionwise they will show up in your "Online Bookshelf". As eBookwise is owned by Fictionwise, any books you buy at Fictionwise will show up in your eBookwise Bookshelf.
When you connect your EBW1150 to your computer via USB cord or the phone cord, all of the books you have purchased from eBookwise, Fictionwise and Filament Books will show up in your Online Bookshelf on your EBW1150. You then choose which books to download to your reader.
What about books you've obtained from somewhere else?
There are several ways to get those eBooks onto your EBW1150. They are explained on the eBookwise site here.
Many people use the eBookwise Librarian software explained on that eBookwise link above. But the method I use is to upload my content thru the ETI Personal Content Server.
Using the Personal Content Server, the eBookwise-1150 can display your own personal content in the following file formats: plain text (.txt), rich text format (.rtf), Microsoft Word documents (.doc), HTML (.htm or .html), and Rocket eBook Editions (.rb).
My 2 favorite file formats are the Rocket eBook (.rb) then the HTML (.htm or .html)
When you purchase an eBook from a website other than the three listed above, you will download the eBook to your computer. Then, you will upload those books to the Personal Content Server. (very easy)
Now you connect your eBookwise Reader to the computer as described above, click on "Online Bookshelf" and your personal content will show up there and you can now download it to your reader.