Free eBooks

Did you know that frequently offers their Kindle books for FREE?

Many of these books eventually go to their regular price - some more quickly than others.

I've gotten many Kindle books for free that are now full price. Here are some that are currently free (as of this posting anyways!)

Exposure: A Novel Dark Pursuit
The One Year Love Language Minute Devotional
Suite Scarlett
Gypsy Legacy: The Marquis The Shunning (The Heritage of Lancaster County #1) Already Dead: A Novel Slow Hands Hide in Plain Sight
The Bride's Baby Dancing in the Moonlight His Lady Mistress
Wit'ch Fire Crime Scene at Cardwell Ranch Serial Baby Bonanza
My Soul to Lose
Homespun Bride When Night Falls
Atomic Lobster Free with Bonus Material The Wild's Call
Once a Cowboy The Kiribati Test